
Each presented picture is a word. Part of a story on (dis)continued futures. A potential diegesis about our individual human condition impacted by today’s major systemic digital and geopolitical shifts. In what way is unchanging repetition a harbinger of a form of dogmatism or a source of freedom? In what way can the omnipotent and repeated rule be transcended to allow the advent of a space of individual and infinite creativity? In what way can we avoid the pitfall of dangerous patterns in our entropyan quest of endless possibilities of inner growth? Changing repetition conveys the potentiality to draw new limits in the horizon and to appreciate beauty in imperfection.

The components of this narrative materialize a body of reflections that started several years ago. Each one would echo in SPINOZA and DELEUZE concepts of VITALISM or Prostrating to the power of life, and crystallized in April 2022 during a collaboration with @CAMERA PUBLICA, an experimental research centre on contemporary images located in Rome. Our research gradually built up around questioning the concept of repetition in an exponentially changing environment.

The ability to interrogate, both the position in which you are and, the one you should land into according to the actions you deliberately decided to take, nurtures the capacity to envisage the potentiality of the “next”. Unchanging Repetition nurtures dogma. Changing Repetition conveys the potentiality to draw new limits in the horizon, to design an open-air space, to give birth to new meanings, to appreciate beauty in imperfection, to embrace freedom.

Art direction: @terra_kitoko

Images: @terra_kitoko

Soundtrack: @terra_kitoko

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